Nick Kramer shares his predictions for cloud-first and hybrid-first policies in this TechTarget article.
Nick outlines the pressures driving many orgs to shift to a hybrid model, “Many enterprises, particularly in financial services, government and healthcare, are forced into a hybrid model because of existing, legacy technology platforms that simply cannot be migrated to the cloud in the foreseeable future.”
Nick reflects on the discovery that many cloud providers are better at security explaining, “This is helping to accelerate a shift toward the same focus on cloud-first strategies championed by startups and digital-native firms. Aside from security, a cloud-first strategy can improve cost, flexible scalability and performance.”
He predicts that the cloud-first versus hybrid cloud debate will continue to evolve and blur, “Hybrid and multi-cloud architectures will become more seamless and easier to manage. Cloud platforms, such as AWS Outposts, Google Anthos and Azure Stack, are bringing cloud services on premises, while technologies like Kubernetes enable consistent deployment across clouds. As the distinctions fade, hybrid-first might replace cloud-first as the default enterprise mindset.”
Nick predicts the balance will gradually shift more toward the public cloud stating, “But the future is not pure cloud-first or hybrid-only, it’s a continuum where enterprises can choose the right mix of cloud, on-premises, and edge infrastructure to meet their business goals and serve their customers best.”
Read the full article HERE
The post Are Orgs Shifting from a Cloud-First to Hybrid-First Policy? appeared first on SSA & Company.